Friday, March 7, 2014

TREAT YO SELF: A Love Letter to Philly Parks & Rec

Dear Philly Parks and Rec,

It's been a while. Too long, really. We're ready for the snow to melt so we can get a good look at that great grass of yours. But enough about us.... let's talk about you.

This is a love letter to you and your beautiful parks, and the road rage you help us get away from. From Kelly Drive to Wissahickon to Pennypack, you make us look better, and help us stay in shape (which makes up for our pretzel, water ice and cheesesteak issues).  You ease our pain, you calm our nerves, and you  help us keep our cool. We don't even feel Philthy anymore. At over 150 years old, you're an inspiration- we don't know how you do it! I mean, over 200 parks?! Girl, you cray cray.

So, it is with great respect and admiration that we say, Parks and Rec: TREAT YO SELF!!!!

Since you already have so many clothes, fragrances, massages, mimosas and fine leather goods, we were thinking that this year (Treat Yo Self 2014), maybe you would want to splurge and get yourself some recycling containers.

We know, it seems so overindulgent! But just think about it. You could save tons on disposal costs by separating out your recyclables, follow the city's recycling ordinance and even set an example for the millions of people that see you each year! Your girls over at the Streets Department have been doing it and have honestly never looked better! They know that cleaner areas mean safer areas, which we suspected all along.
We get that money's tight (isn't it always?!), but this will actually lower the city's disposal costs and free up some cold hard cash so that the Philadelphia School District can treat itself to more teachers.

Anyway, we love you, we love your Organic Recycling Center and just want to emphasize that we'll probably put a ring on it no matter what. But we can't help but think that you deserve this, and we do too.