Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Greening Your Spring Cleaning

Spring is officially here- the vernal equinox was just yesterday, but let's be honest- we've already had our windows open for weeks! Yes, you've been pushing it off while enjoying the fresh air, but it's officially time for some spring cleaning. So while you're packing up your winter clothes, dusting every surface in sight, and in some cases, putting away those forgotten Christmas decorations (yup, guilty!) here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Put the Febreeze down! We've all used products that "neutralize" odors, like Febreeze, scented candles and dryer sheets , but their strong scents are an indication that they contain very high levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Not only can these chemicals cause breathing difficulties, some are also suspected carcinogens (you can read more about them here: Truly, the best way to protect your indoor air quality is to skip these products and just open the windows to let things air out a little.
  • Instead of creating lots of waste using disposal cleaning products like Clorox wipes, or Swiffer pads, you can simply buy a few small microfiber cleaning cloths that can be used again and again. Combining these with a simple homemade cleaning solution can have highly effective results without harming your indoor air quality. My tried and true non-toxic cleaning solution is combining 1/2 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of baking soda with a 1/2 gallon of water (with just a little of what my mom calls "elbow grease"). Really, you don't even need to purchase microfiber cloths if you don't want to, you could do just as well with some old rags!
  • Don't just throw it all out. Trust me, I know it's tempting, but chances are that if you have things that are still in decent shape (books, furniture, clothing), someone else can put them to good use. It takes a little extra effort, but donating to your local Goodwill or AIDS Thrift or posting items for free on Craigslist truly makes a difference- both for the people receiving the items and the planet.

Do you have any good tips for greening a spring cleaning? I'd love to hear ways that you've incorporated similar ideas into your household and how they've worked for you!

Tomorrow I'll post about easy (and eco-friendly) ways to spruce up your wardrobe for spring... until then, enjoy the nice weather and the gorgeous flowers!!!!

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